Friday, February 1, 2008

OEM - Crossing the Barriers of Adoption

Presenter: Sam Ceccola, North America CTO of Capgemni

We don't want mashup technology going the way of SOA, adoption is dropping
What customers got with SOA didn't live up to what they thought they were getting with SOA
Drucker's Seven Sources of Innovation - ?
Governance and Management - personalize, differentiate, organize, comply
Barriers to crossing the divide - security vs trust, information overload vs the creation of knowledge, the aging workforce, finding the novelty vs marketing to the masses, a successful implementation strategy
Instead of locking a system that you have to be granted access to, instead, grant everyone access to the system but keep careful watch on them, and as soon as someone does something wrong slap the handcuffs on them (government A-Space program to change their security for the analytic community to leverage Web 2.0 technology)
Can this work in the financial industry?
Spectrum of "Unique & Value" to "Commodity & Cost" Where on this pendulum do the financial industries lie?
Demographics of today's workforce is U-shaped, one side is 40+, one side is 30-, and then a little between 30 and 40
If the governance walls are maintained, a companies workforce will lose out on the younger crowd if the new technology is not adopted
How can we combine a company's org chart with the actual social networks contained within it that actually represent how the business gets done

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