Friday, February 1, 2008

OEM - The Language of Enterpise Mashups

The Language of Enterprise Mashups
Presenter: John Crupi, CTO of JackBe

JackBe, founded in 2003 as an Ajax company, and repositioned the company as an enterprise mashup company
Do mashups enable users to control their own software's functionality? Almost abstracting the actual development into a point and click interface for creating the mashup
Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Areas: Mashups at #7
Incoming workforce - grow up on myspace, gmail, facebook, do it yourself, don't like to conform, born after 1977, expect to be paid more, expect to have flexible work schedule, expect to be promoted within a year, expect to have access to state of the art technology
Gen Y - doesn't want a corporate portal, instead they want to customize their entire experience (a la iGoogle of PageFlakes)
Collaboration Example - Nintendo DS with 8 year olds and their networking technology
Everything in an enterprise is authenticated and authorized with each request, but the key with enterprise mashup is mixing external free data, with proprietary and secure internal data
Product handles the big 4 - RSS, REST, WSDL for Silk, Databases, and web clipping
Two parts of mashup - the data part, and the UI part
Value the fact that the UI of the mashup should be reusable and portable. It shouldn't matter that the mashup is in a portlet, or contained in someone's website, even if it's only internal to a company
Should there exist a standard for mashups such that they are wrapped in a reusable abstract way?
Tomorrow's Data-driven web - integration of data happens at the edge of the server, no longer in the client browser. This data is moved outside of the firewall
Forced Mashup 1.0 - The practice of collaborating on a spreadsheet via email, an outdated and error prone process. There is no governance on the data.
Enterprise Mashup Characteristics - tag/shared/search-able, user-driven, dynamic/ad-hoc, UI (mashlet) accessible. The IT people want to wrap this data with APIs, secure it, drive it from the server,
Web 1.0 Tiers - presentation, business, integration
Web 2.0 Tiers - presentation, mashups, business, integration
Mashups shouldn't care where they are shown
Demo #2 - JackBe Wires - Tibco like GUI for wiring data together to eventually be shown as a mashup, looks interesting

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